Our auditors not only prepare audit reports for you in accordance with international requirements, but they also provide recommendations for improving your internal control system, reducing tax risks and increasing reliability and transparency of financial reporting. In other words, we do exactly what your founders and managers at the head office needs.
What We Offer
Conducting an audit in several stages – This allows you to quickly identify existing errors and correct them for the annual audit and for preparation of annual financial statements. The first stage is usually carried out in the first half or first 9 months of the year, and the second stage before reporting to shareholders or regulatory agencies.
Express audit – A brief check (evaluation) of the state of the company’s business and tax accounting. The audit assesses the internal control system, how cooperation takes place between functions, accounting policy, major commercial contracts, accounting and tax records, etc. The scope and nature of the transactions audited will vary depending on the assignment received.

IFRS financial statements:
- Review of the financial statements, which is a set of review procedures that allow the main problems in business accounting and financial reporting to be quickly identified;
- Conversion of reports prepared under Generally Accepted Accounting Policies (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reporting.
Agreed upon procedures
- Information analysis, comparisons, and other actions aimed at verifying the accuracy of accounting records;
- Obtaining evidence from both external and internal sources;
- Reporting on findings.
Internal audit
- Assistance in setting up an internal audit department and developing a risk management framework;
- Identifying and assessing risks and control weaknesses;
- Introducing best practices, efficiencies and reducing operating costs;
- Assisting in establishing Audit Committees and introducing best practices of corporate governance.
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